Celebrating God’s Love


The following is a simple reading for three people (or it could be done with one reader).  I was inspired to write this by the Matt Redman Song “You Never Let Go”

1:  God’s love never fails.

2:  It is astounding,

3:  resounding,

1:  and completely confounding .

3:  It never finds the end of itself.

2:  It redeems,

1:  restores,

3:  and repairs.

2:  Higher than all the works of man. His opus grand, his open hand.

1:  It crashes through the gates of hell.

3:  No sweeter story tongue may tell.

2:  It is before time and space.

1:  A continuum of grace.

3:  It fears no devil, no king, or foe.

2:  It sees us- every part of us- the brokenness in the heart of us and it will not depart from us.

1:  It resolves the mystery.

3:  It absolves my history.

2:  It never, ever lets go.

All:  It is simple, good and steadfast.

3:  Nothing can outlast this love because it is stubborn in it’s intent. It doesn’t change and will not relent.

1:   It is not capricious, whimsical or flighty.

3:  It is the love of God Almighty.

2:  It is a real as rocks, as right as rain.

1:  It is satisfies, clarifies, and sanctifies.

3:  It is not earned.

1:  There is nothing in the universe like the mighty love of God.

Prayer for Identity

God sees us as we are.

God sees us as we are.We are being transformed.

Father, I thank you that you have given us a different way to live our lives. We realize that the battle for our lives is really a battle for identity. We often see ourselves as insufficient, cursed and unsatisfactory.

We know that’s not the way you see us.

You see us wrapped in your righteousness.

prepared for your purpose

Eternally important

And deeply loved

How can this be?

Is your love, grace and freedom really that strong?

Strong enough to know us, claim us, redeem us and empower us?

Who are we that you would care for us like that?

Who are we that you would choose us?

Who are we that you would place your holy hands on us?

Enter into our story and make it a part of Your story?

Lord, outside of You we are a vanishing vapor, a fleeting flower… here today, gone tomorrow.

But in your words you say that we are valuable

We are chosen

We are Yours forever.

We are set apart

Help us to live with that perspective.

Help us, as difficult as it seems some days, to live in the love that sent a sinless Savior to a dying world to claim us as yours.

people who live in codes


These people you know….

They are the sidestepping

no eye contacting

kings and queens of code

never speaking truth with love

rather rolling eyes, quick exits and slamming doors.

These are the people who live in the codes.

Their venom is airborn

dropped in silos of private conversations

good grace thrown to the wind

closed fist rather than open hand

these live in shadows of implications

and they rot the soul of everything exposed

because they are the salt of the earth

in the wounds of the soul

they are the people who live in the codes.