I see God

In an apple tree I see him as the Creator and sustainer of life and flavor.
In a flower, I see him reveling in color and transformation
In a rock I see Him as timeless and unexplainable
In a meadowlark, I see him as a lover of sight and sound. 
In wind I see His refreshing presence.
In a thoroughbred, I see power and purpose, speed and grace.
In a storm I see the breadth and height of wonder
In the sleeping breath of an infant I see trust and provision
In sand and waves I see the constancy and movement of His work.
In stars I see His fingers’ fearsome and infinite reach
In moon, it’s perfect circular presence, I see His love of quite nights– The kind of nights that inspire romance and cherished words spoken beneath it’s ambient beauty. 
He is in all things, through all things, and beyond all things.
These sights speak words that poets cannot exceed.
A love song to the lost 
They are revelation to the doubting
But most of all, in each oft ignored marvel of the divine, He whispers, “I did this for you.”

He Was Worthy


When He cried out in the garden in the cool of the evening, He was worthy.

When He flung a rainbow across a waterlogged world, He was worthy.

When He whispered in the ear of an old, old man and said, “It’s a boy,” He was worthy.

When He walked with a young songwriter/shepherd and heard “surely goodness and mercy” for the first time ever, He was worthy.

When He spoke through mules and on walls and in furnaces, He was worthy.

And when He, through unequaled grace, stepped into flesh and became like us, He was worthy.

When He spit in mud to open eyes,

When He loosed the captives, When He turned over the tables in the temple,

When He calmed the torrent, When He stooped to reconcile,

When He fed the masses,

When He washed the calloused, When He touched the untouchables

When He (wonder of all wonders—this precious truth!) open-handedly stretched out His arms on an old Judean beam (could it be?) and bore the anger, sin, rebellion, pride, and idolatry of us all, He was worthy.

He was worthy when He breathed His last.

He was worthy when the Roman seal was plastered on that borrowed tomb.

He was worthy when no one believed anymore.

And when the grave could hold Him no more, When He felt the vibration of His own creation,

When the veil was shredded, and when the accuser was silenced, ransoming the souls of a multitude of millions in one weekend, HE WAS WORTHY! And when I look at who I am, and then realize who He is, I can’t help proclaiming,

“You are worthy. You are worthy. You are worthy.”

So now two words that should always unite us, and despite style, taste, or reason, should never divide us— 

Let’s worship!

Your Great Name: Worship Intro


Before there was anything there was a Name.
Before seas and land, before dust was formed into flesh
Before Babel’s broken tower, before the ark was set in place
Before there was anything
Before prophet, priest or king…
There was a Name.
No other name in history
could banish demons, calm the sea.
It echoes through eternity.
Chains are broken, souls set free
by His Great Name!
His Name birthed stars and pinned them in the sky.
His Name brought angels to Bethlehem
from the greatest and the least
To see the One True Name
And when we speak His Name all heavenly hosts revere.
It reaches past our weakness and our fragile, thin veneer.
It’s a Name above every name- spoken in each race and tongue.
There is power and blessing
Perfection and peace.
There’s  understanding!
Even when we feel pain,
there’s healing, faith and redemption,
at the mention of His name.
And it doesn’t matter the size of your burden,
the scale of your mountain,
the weariness of your journey…
In that Name there is hope and joy and rest
In his Name we are blessed.
His Name is listening for the echo of worshipers.
In the midst of this earthly mess
His Name redeems.
The all-sufficient king
The warrior of righteousness
Over every living thing…
And no matter how deep the hurt,
or the chains you have bound you for years,
We are free! All those things that drive us insane
are stepping stones to holiness with the power of that Name.
What is that name that changes us?
Who is the fourth person in the furnace
The One who closed the mouths of lions
Who crushed the head of the accuser
And exiled demons from the weak.
And opened muted mouths to speak.
What is that Name?
What is the greatest name we’ll ever say?
Who remains victorious to this day?
Who is this one greater than the grave?
Who lived and died to save?
Who conquered death and walked away
With scars of crimson stain
The one who bears the mark
Jesus is His Great NAME!

Celebrating God’s Love


The following is a simple reading for three people (or it could be done with one reader).  I was inspired to write this by the Matt Redman Song “You Never Let Go”

1:  God’s love never fails.

2:  It is astounding,

3:  resounding,

1:  and completely confounding .

3:  It never finds the end of itself.

2:  It redeems,

1:  restores,

3:  and repairs.

2:  Higher than all the works of man. His opus grand, his open hand.

1:  It crashes through the gates of hell.

3:  No sweeter story tongue may tell.

2:  It is before time and space.

1:  A continuum of grace.

3:  It fears no devil, no king, or foe.

2:  It sees us- every part of us- the brokenness in the heart of us and it will not depart from us.

1:  It resolves the mystery.

3:  It absolves my history.

2:  It never, ever lets go.

All:  It is simple, good and steadfast.

3:  Nothing can outlast this love because it is stubborn in it’s intent. It doesn’t change and will not relent.

1:   It is not capricious, whimsical or flighty.

3:  It is the love of God Almighty.

2:  It is a real as rocks, as right as rain.

1:  It is satisfies, clarifies, and sanctifies.

3:  It is not earned.

1:  There is nothing in the universe like the mighty love of God.