Celebrating God’s Love


The following is a simple reading for three people (or it could be done with one reader).  I was inspired to write this by the Matt Redman Song “You Never Let Go”

1:  God’s love never fails.

2:  It is astounding,

3:  resounding,

1:  and completely confounding .

3:  It never finds the end of itself.

2:  It redeems,

1:  restores,

3:  and repairs.

2:  Higher than all the works of man. His opus grand, his open hand.

1:  It crashes through the gates of hell.

3:  No sweeter story tongue may tell.

2:  It is before time and space.

1:  A continuum of grace.

3:  It fears no devil, no king, or foe.

2:  It sees us- every part of us- the brokenness in the heart of us and it will not depart from us.

1:  It resolves the mystery.

3:  It absolves my history.

2:  It never, ever lets go.

All:  It is simple, good and steadfast.

3:  Nothing can outlast this love because it is stubborn in it’s intent. It doesn’t change and will not relent.

1:   It is not capricious, whimsical or flighty.

3:  It is the love of God Almighty.

2:  It is a real as rocks, as right as rain.

1:  It is satisfies, clarifies, and sanctifies.

3:  It is not earned.

1:  There is nothing in the universe like the mighty love of God.