Celebrating God’s Love


The following is a simple reading for three people (or it could be done with one reader).  I was inspired to write this by the Matt Redman Song “You Never Let Go”

1:  God’s love never fails.

2:  It is astounding,

3:  resounding,

1:  and completely confounding .

3:  It never finds the end of itself.

2:  It redeems,

1:  restores,

3:  and repairs.

2:  Higher than all the works of man. His opus grand, his open hand.

1:  It crashes through the gates of hell.

3:  No sweeter story tongue may tell.

2:  It is before time and space.

1:  A continuum of grace.

3:  It fears no devil, no king, or foe.

2:  It sees us- every part of us- the brokenness in the heart of us and it will not depart from us.

1:  It resolves the mystery.

3:  It absolves my history.

2:  It never, ever lets go.

All:  It is simple, good and steadfast.

3:  Nothing can outlast this love because it is stubborn in it’s intent. It doesn’t change and will not relent.

1:   It is not capricious, whimsical or flighty.

3:  It is the love of God Almighty.

2:  It is a real as rocks, as right as rain.

1:  It is satisfies, clarifies, and sanctifies.

3:  It is not earned.

1:  There is nothing in the universe like the mighty love of God.

Amazing Grace


Use these monologues in between singing the verses of “Amazing Grace! How Sweet the Sound,” No. 330, The Baptist Hymnal, 1991. Costumes are not necessary. This could be done as a reading.

Soldier: I looked at Him as He died on that hill. The passion, the sorrow, the love in His eyes consumed me. My comrades hurled insults and cast lots for His clothes—the only possessions of His young life. I executed Pilate’s judgments for years, but never like this. Amazing, the strength and power this man displayed, and now, so willingly, He laid it all down. I saw His works, His healing power. Now I’m forced to expedite the will of a wicked ruler. I stand before the King of creation. Surely this man is the Son of God!

Criminal: I looked over at Him as I gasped for air. I had no right to address Him. I deserved death; this man had done nothing wrong. I knew my time would soon come to an end. I turned my head to look at Him, and I found Him looking at me. He smiled. A man, who had been beat- en beyond human recognition, looked at me and smiled, as if He knew the end was near. I called out to Him and asked Him to do what seemed unthinkable: “‘Remember me when you come into your kingdom.’” He smiled through the torment of the dying day. “‘Today you will be with me in paradise.’” Moments later I saw Him once more. Not as a dying, tortured victim, but the ruling Lord of creation. And what’s more amazing, He reached out and brought me home.

John the Beloved: His eyes were fixed upon me just before He drew His last breath. Why could I not see what was happening at that moment? I heard Him say, “‘It is finished.’” A term that a merchant would use to close a sale. Now I understand. Isaiah’s words came rushing in: “He was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities.” I understood at that moment why He did it. That’s why He didn’t resist the scourging and the nails. It was for me.

Scripture: Luke 23:42-43John 19:30Isaiah 53:5

(c) Matt Tullos